
The Based Applications Protocol introduces a novel approach to addressing the bootstrap problem faced by proof-of-stake systems. Enabling L1 validators to secure multiple applications without additional capital requirements creates a more capital-efficient ecosystem that benefits both validators and applications.

This formalized security is achieved through several key mechanisms:

  • Risk Expressive Model (REM) - Allows operators to participate in multiple bApps while carefully managing their risk exposure through a sophisticated scoring system that adjusts voting power based on obligations.

  • No Additional Staking Requirements - L1 validators can secure bApps without locking up additional ETH or taking on cascading slashing risks, unlike traditional restaking approaches.

  • Flexible Participation - The protocol enables validators to opt-in to applications based on their risk tolerance and desired level of involvement, creating a more dynamic and accessible ecosystem.

The protocol also addresses key challenges of existing approaches:

  • It eliminates the need for applications to gather massive validator sets independently.

  • It avoids the cascading risks and high costs associated with traditional restaking.

  • It provides a deterministic coordination layer that ensures reliable validator participation.

SSV 2.0 creates a sustainable foundation for proof-of-stake applications to bootstrap their security by combining these elements and introducing a deflationary token model. The protocol's capital-efficient design and risk-aware approach make it an attractive solution for both established validators looking to expand their operations and new applications seeking to build robust validator sets.

As the ecosystem matures and more applications adopt this model, the increased capital efficiency and reduced barriers to entry should foster greater innovation and growth in the proof-of-stake space, maintaining strong security guarantees through carefully designed cryptoeconomic mechanisms.

Last updated